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To Larry, my amigo.

Tema en 'Prosa: Torre de Babel de Prosa' comenzado por Guerrion, 22 de Febrero de 2017. Respuestas: 1 | Visitas: 736

  1. Guerrion

    Guerrion Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Febrero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    ....I am the simplest in this language, I feel self-conscious of each word as if each one is explaining me again, but in a different way. Indeed, gathering these expressions is hard work and, as a result, my words and the images become passionless.

    While writing but not yet sharing my words in English, I met a friend who became as inspiring to me as his writings which he shared. Larry and I have been close friends ever since we met and have learned a great deal from one another. I like his eagerness to learn about a friend from another land. He's approachable and caring; I will dearly love him until the end of us sharing this planet.

    I have to say that perhaps, the way I write now more or less reflects some of the narrative of his which I have read. From him I learned about car and motorcycle races, his sense of humor and coping with life issues.. From me he learned about soccer, even though he thinks it is a girls sport. Perhaps he also has a better understanding about my Mexican culture and history.

    Even though he is older than me, we share a variety of similar interests like coffee, beer, food, music, traveling, conversation, sports, poetry and before he retired, work.

    None the less Mr. Larry, I appreciate you giving me guidance and encouragement that is matched by few others and by that I mean my friend Mary.

    I am proud and fortunate we met. Thanks for all the writings you have shared with me.

    Fidel Guerra.
    United States, Springfield, Oregon.
    February, 2017.
  2. Maramin

    Maramin Moderador Global Miembro del Equipo Moderador Global Corrector/a

    Se incorporó:
    19 de Febrero de 2008
    Me gusta recibidos:
    En Mundopoesía hay una categoría destinada a los FOROS DE POESÍA y una categoría destinada a los FOROS DE PROSA.

    Para diferenciar uno y otro utilizamos un criterio NO TÉCNICO sino meramente VISUAL (compresible por todos los usuarios) de forma que:

    - Se considerará POESÍA todo tema escrito en la mayor parte de su contenido con estructura visual de VERSOS (rime o no rime).
    - Se considerará PROSA todo tema con estructura "VISUAL" de PROSA (escritos sin versos, es decir, "visualmente" escrito con líneas largas a modo de novela), incluida la prosa poética e incluso aunque rime.

    En los Foros de Poesía SÓLO SE ADMITE POESÍA con estructura visual de VERSO.
    La prosa poética y la prosa ha de publicarse en los FOROS DE PROSA (sin estructura visual de verso)

    Respete la distribución de estilos y foros (prosa/verso) de Mundopoesía.com.

    Este tema se mueve a la categoría correspondiente.

    La reiteración en la publicación de prosas en los foros de poemas (o viceversa) puede dar lugar al borrado de textos del usuario o a que se le vete la entrada en determinadas categorías o foros o a medidas más graves.


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