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Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por Bolo, 22 de Junio de 2016. Respuestas: 0 | Visitas: 641

  1. Bolo

    Bolo Poeta recién llegado

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Julio de 2008
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Part time workers, looking at the clock,

    Tired mistresses, staring at the dawn.

    Long-lost hopes, roaming with no luck,

    Lotsa broken hearts, waiting to be sewn.

    Many lonely people out there,

    You better watch out,

    Life ain´t made to be lived like welfare,

    Taking the risk, that´s what it´s all about.


    My heart will bring you back,

    I promise you´ll get back on track,

    There are so many people still to meet,

    That kinda lovin´ can´t be beat.

    Watching people closely, hurtin´, lovin´, cryin´,

    Losing their breath, losing their breath,

    Life isn´t fair, you just keep on tryin´,

    Roll with the punches, you´re not quite dead.


    My heart will bring you back,

    I promise you´ll get back on track,

    There are so many people still to meet,

    That kinda lovin´ can´t be beat.

    Life sometimes stinks, oh yeah, I know,

    Beggin´ love will come tomorrow,

    Every moment spent with you will glow,

    You just wait, I´ll take out the sorrow.


    So dig on girl, and dig away,

    You wouldn´t miss it for the world.

    I just promise if you wait, you´ll stay,

    I´ll go peck a fight with the devil you unfurled.

    So forget the past, forget it please,

    You got so much coming for you.

    I´ll take you for a ride, a ride fueled-up with bliss,

    Trust your instinct; take the leap, your number´s up in queue.


    My heart will bring you back,

    I promise you´ll get back on track,

    There are so many people still to meet,

    That kinda lovin´ can´t be beat.

    And at the end of the day, while you try to sleep in bed,

    You´ll remember my words, and the beat of my heart instead.

    You´ve stumbled upon the safest bay,

    I´ll hug and kiss your night away.


    Lyrics: Bolivar Ruiz Elizondo

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