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My rambling...

Tema en 'Prosa: Torre de Babel de Prosa' comenzado por Guerrion, 8 de Marzo de 2017. Respuestas: 1 | Visitas: 742

  1. Guerrion

    Guerrion Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    7 de Febrero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Beyond history books or the letters on this page, my first time in another country has become more than a memory, it’s now half of my life.

    Crossing its borders it did show me the promise of change I sure wanted to live by, but also more than I realized. The first time I traveled -or crossed- over the 30 mile limits of the Mexican border no words were necessary, just glances and wild thoughts running along the center lines on the highway (to describe what I couldn’t back then).

    Inside the bus, I passed things I had only seen in pictures or movies and although the land I was traveling in, at some point belonged to me, to México, I felt out of place. However, and my face showed how small my world was before I came to its amusements.

    Since then, I’ve learned more about its past and its urgencies for the future, war, rules and love of traffic signs; and since then, I have been scribbling notes and awkward verses.

    Setting aside the political slogan, I believe that both halves of my life, have truly become one and that leaving and finding a home have made me more mindful.

    I guess I am glad to have crossed what then didn’t seem would later turn (from twenty four years earlier) into today. This land, USA, looks different, spread out, more beautiful, wild and aware; and although its people are a community of silent members, it has and will always have my whatever will happen today and tomorrow and the breath of those whom I love the most.

    The other land, Mexico, first and foremost has my imprints on this world, my welcoming into it by my wonderful parents, my first poem, kiss and love.

    I don’t know which of the two or if a third one will have the end of it all, but I will be glad on that trip,..hopefuly a Cuban one.

    Fidel Guerra Cuevas.
    Springfield, Oregón
    March, 2017.
  2. Maramin

    Maramin Moderador Global Miembro del Equipo Moderador Global Corrector/a

    Se incorporó:
    19 de Febrero de 2008
    Me gusta recibidos:
    En Mundopoesía hay una categoría destinada a los FOROS DE POESÍA y una categoría destinada a los FOROS DE PROSA.

    Para diferenciar uno y otro utilizamos un criterio NO TÉCNICO sino meramente VISUAL (compresible por todos los usuarios) de forma que:

    - Se considerará POESÍA todo tema escrito en la mayor parte de su contenido con estructura visual de VERSOS (rime o no rime).
    - Se considerará PROSA todo tema con estructura "VISUAL" de PROSA (escritos sin versos, es decir, "visualmente" escrito con líneas largas a modo de novela), incluida la prosa poética e incluso aunque rime.

    En los Foros de Poesía SÓLO SE ADMITE POESÍA con estructura visual de VERSO.
    La prosa poética y la prosa ha de publicarse en los FOROS DE PROSA (sin estructura visual de verso)

    Respete la distribución de estilos y foros (prosa/verso) de Mundopoesía.com.

    Este tema se mueve a la categoría correspondiente.

    La reiteración en la publicación de prosas en los foros de poemas (o viceversa) puede dar lugar al borrado de textos del usuario o a que se le vete la entrada en determinadas categorías o foros o a medidas más graves.


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