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I love it!

Tema en 'La Torre de Babel' comenzado por John Mejía, 2 de Diciembre de 2016. Respuestas: 2 | Visitas: 447

  1. John Mejía

    John Mejía Poeta asiduo al portal

    Se incorporó:
    14 de Junio de 2016
    Me gusta recibidos:
    I love to make you mine between my lines,

    taking you unguarded,

    bordering my pen between the light of your eyes,

    and between the silk of your skin.

    I love to live in you for a moment,

    willing to take you without regrets,

    make you an object of my ownership,

    and at the mercy of heat between your legs.

    I love to praise you within my hands ,

    turning you from front to back,

    like a sculptor with fresh new clay.

    I love to live you intensely,

    between the walls for my thought ,

    between each image you give me,

    between the sweet dream of having you…

    I like to fake that I don’t like you,

    and if I was asked, I would say,

    -I don’t care,

    when in reality, I live you

    like the butterflies which flutter in my gut.

    I love to improvise about yourself,

    and pour you in my lips even more thirsty,

    and finish with the gorgeous movement of your hips.

    I love it—as simple as that…
    A homo-adictus le gusta esto.
  2. Rigel Amenofis

    Rigel Amenofis Poeta que considera el portal su segunda casa

    Se incorporó:
    20 de Enero de 2009
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Una intensidad amorosa expresada en otro idioma. Agradable lectura. Una pregunta, ¿cual es tu idioma nativo el español o el inglés?
    A John Mejía le gusta esto.
  3. Ulpiano

    Ulpiano Obrero de la Poesía

    Se incorporó:
    11 de Enero de 2017
    Me gusta recibidos:
    Dear John Mejía,

    I believe what you say in your poem, seems rather a chimera
    but not an impossible. Go ahead!

    I think your native language is Spanish. If you are addressing her,
    why do you say: "and end with the magnificent movement of her hips"?
    You should say: "of your hips." "I love to compliment you in my hands",
    you must say: "between my hands." "And if I was asked , I would say,"
    That is grammatically incorrect, you must say: "and if I were asked..."

    Well, I think that´s enough for now. I wish you success in English.

    Receive a fraternal hug,


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